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An anodised aluminium stair profile with an adhesive, non-slip carborundum insert for application in the profile's top channel after laying.
SILVER, GOLD and BRONzE ANODISED ALU. with adhesive bar length 3,4 LM - pack. 20 Pcs - 68 LM
SILVER, GOLD and BRONzE ANODISED ALU. with adhesive bar length 1,66 LM - pack. 20 Pcs
SILVER, GOLD and BRONzE ANODISED ALUMINIUM punched bar length 3,4 LM - pack. 20 Pcs - 68 LM
silver, gold and bronze ANOD. ALU. punched with screws and screw anchors bar length 1,66 LM - pack. 20 Pcs
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